
Showing posts from February, 2018

Derean and the Attack on Fraglior Part - 1

by  Anoushrayan Enjoy our other Blogs -  MoAnRa Travels  |  MoAnRa Speaks Read Part 2 here... 1. Prologue 10 billion years ago, in the galaxy ZMY3, a nebula condensed into a star. The rest of the dust and gases formed planets, and one of them was Fraglior. Like all other planets, it was very hot at first, but then, after a few billion years, it cooled down. It was one of the few planets in the universe that had water. An alien civilization, the Manergitea, noticed this and sent out a ship carrying the basic seeds of life, along with all other components required for life. The ship was unmanned and dived right into one of the oceans on the planet and blew itself up. The contents of the ship were protected in strong, airtight, blast proof containers. The containers carrying life opened in the ocean, but the others opened in the air, or what was present like it at that time. The blast was necessary because it sent a shock wave which would eventua...

Adventures of the D'landers - A prelude

Enjoy our other Blogs -  MoAnRa Travels  |  MoAnRa Speaks by Cuni Popi Lost Diti Dita and Dito had come to that part of the jungle where they were not supposed to. Not because they were naughty, they were lost. The only relief was that there was light. Ample light, to find our way back home , thought Diti, the eldest of them. They were not siblings but in their village D’land, everybody’s name started with D. Diti was 10 yrs old and was a smart chap. It so happened that after school, Dita (8) and Dito (7), who lived in the same housing complex as that of Diti requested him to take them home by a detour he had quite often spoken off. The detour was a small one, hardly a couple of fathoms more than the usual way home. It was bordered by a line of very tall trees and thick bushes and no one knew what lay beyond. At least the children of Diti’s age didn’t. He never asked his parents as he knew the answer he would get, “There is a time for everything”. ...